Staff Performance: Leadership and Work Discipline


To achieve performance, the human resource factor is very dominant and influential. Quality human resources can be seen from the work result. This research aims to get information about leadership, and work discipline and also these two factors to staff performance. This research used a questionnaire for 87 respondents and used SPSS version 20. This research is categorized as quantitative research, statistics analysis use the Multiple Linear Regression method with quantitative analysis. Based on SPSS data analysis, the researcher got the measurement Multiple Linear Regression analysis to leadership variable (X1) is 2.199 with a significant number 0.031, and the work discipline variable (X2) is 3.275 with a significant number 0.002. The result of the simultaneous test (F test) researcher got value 14.924 with a trusted degree 95%. Conclusion for this research are first hypothesis leadership has a partial determination to staff performance, the second hypothesis work discipline has a partial determination to staff performance and the last hypothesis received that these two variables (leadership, and work discipline) have the simultaneous determination to staff performance.


Staff performance, leadership, work discipline


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