Tasikmalaya Embroidery Business Development Strategy Using SWOT Analysis Approach


The embroidery business in Tasikmalaya City is one of the economic drivers in the City of Tasikmaya. Embroidery is a significant mainstay of employment and economic contribution to the City of Tasikmalaya. The research objective was to determine the current condition of the embroidery business in Tasikmalaya and to know the value chain map and SWOT analysis of the embroidery business in Tasikmalaya. The data collection technique was carried out in two ways, namely observation and in-depth interviews (in-depth interview). The sample in this study consisted of embroidery entrepreneurs, craftsmen / makloon and embroidery stakeholders consisting of Kadin Tasikmalaya, GAPEBTA Cooperative and the Tasikmalaya City Diskoperindag. The data analysis technique is carried out by presenting the results of interviews and observations and analyzing problems found in the field, so that a clear picture can be obtained of the object under study and draw conclusions. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach to present value chain map analysis and SWOT analysis of embroidery businesses in Tasikmalaya City. The results of the analysis show that the strategy for the development of the embroidery business in the city of Tasikmalaya is to restore the glory of the embroidery in the city of Tasikmalaya which is focused on increasing the ability of entrepreneurs and developing the typical Tasikmalaya embroidery market. Furthermore, to facilitate the implementation of this strategy, it is continued with the preparation of an action plan / roadmap for the development of the embroidery business in the City of Tasikmalaya. Key words: SWOT analysis, Embroidery.


SWOT analysis, embroider


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/ICRED.0497