Strengthening madrasah based on religious moderation in West Sumatra


Strengthening religious harmony, not only on the aspect of tolerance alone, but must be accompanied by an attitude of equality, which must also be accompanied by concrete actions in working together in a pluralistic society. With cooperation, a strong trust will be built between fellow people because they can live side by side in peace, calm, mutual advancement and strengthening, not to hurt and humiliate each other. The purpose of religious moderation here is to strengthen as well as build a tolerant and harmonious attitude in order to strengthen the sense of unity and oneness among the nation's children, which is reflected through 4 indicators; strong national commitment, tolerant attitude towards others, has the principle of rejecting acts of violence both physically and verbally and respecting the values of local wisdom of the community which are very diverse according to the values of social and spiritual propriety. The focus of this study is directed at three main indicators of religious harmony, namely tolerance, equality, and fair cooperation. Tolerance indicators represent the dimensions of mutual acceptance, respect and respect for differences. Indicators of equality, reflecting the desire to protect each other, provide equal opportunities by not prioritizing superiority. Cooperation indicators describe active involvement in joining other parties and providing proportional empathy and sympathy in social, economic, cultural and religious lines. The conclusion obtained was, based on the research results of the Research and Development Center for Religious Guidance and Religious Services at the Research and Development and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religion in 2019, which assessed the indicators of religious harmony in Indonesia after going surveys for 5 consecutive years found the harmony index data for the Province of West Sumatra. decreased to third from the bottom with a very low category in the range of 64.36%. Through strengthening madrasa education based on religious moderation, it is possible to realize the required harmony with the values of tsammuh, tawazun and tawasuth in West Sumatra.


Strengthening madrasah, religious moderation


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