Values of moral education in mandatory historical students' textbook in senior high school


This article describes the values of moral education in the form of moral educational values contained in the history books of class X students including: (a.) Divine values, Divinity moral values include obedience, the moral values found by researchers about the value of obedience. Be a human being who is obedient and obedient to the rules that need to be applied and applied. (b.) The moral values contained in noble character are: honesty, namely a social law that states that every human being has a tendency to be honest and feels guilty if he is not honest. Patience must be cultivated. Patience is an attitude that must naturally exist and be cultivated in everyone. Patience can be interpreted as an attitude that is not weak, enthusiastic, and does not give up easily in the face of every test or trial given by the Almighty. (c.) Moral values, related to moral values, the next is the aspect of character. Someone who has good character or behavior is a reflection of a person who is commendable, has character, is polite, has respect, tolerance and so on. (d.) Personality values, including some independence and self-confidence. Independent and confident attitude. Independent attitude Reflects that a person is able to maintain everything and his existence in life.


Moral values, history book, mandotory history


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