Diniyah putri and women’s education


Madrasah Diniyah Putri is a special school for women in Padang Panjang which was founded by Rahmah El Yunusiyah in 1923. The main focus of the Diniyah Putri movement is to raise public awareness, especially women, of the importance of education. After Rahmah El Yunusiyah died in 1969, Diniyah Putri still continues to triumph and is recognized as a symbol of the success of Islamic education, especially for women in the modern age. This study aims to find out why Diniyah Putri was so popular among the people of Padang Panjang from 1923 to 1969, the Diniyah Putri program in improving women's education. This research is library research and the method used in this research is the historical method. The results of the study (1) The factors that made Diniyah Putri much in demand by the public were because of the discipline of students in participating in learning, the learning applied was adjusted to the educational needs at that time, the special skills given to women, the lives of the students in the dormitories who always practiced the lessons taught at the time. obtained while in school, (2) The Putri Diniyah Program to improve women's education is to build sorry schools to eradicate female illiteracy.


Diniyah putri, women's education


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/icie528