Analysis of quran learning model development in islamic education department


The purpose of the study was to analyze the development of the Al-Qur'an learning model in the Islamic Education Department. The research approach is in the form of qualitative research, with the case study method. The results of the needs analysis, firstly that the students' ability to read the Al-Qur’an is still relatively low with the teaching model directly given by the lecturer does not include their peers, but at this time the activeness of the students is needed to further improve their skills in the fields of makharijul letters, shifatul letters, ahkamul letters. , mad wal qashar, waqaf, and ibtida '. Second, the results of the research at the needs analysis stage show that it is necessary to develop creative, innovative, and collaborative models in learning the Qur'an.


Al-quran, learning model, development


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