Daud beureueh's thoughts on the madrasah education curriculum in Aceh


The colonization carried out by the Dutch government and its influence on the policies of the Dutch government in the implementation of education in Aceh that was only followed by the descendants of the nobility, started the spirit of Daud Beureueh to carry out education with the Madrasa model. where he taught exact sciences and also religious education for all Acehnese children without exception, at the beginning of the 20th century and in 1939 Daud Beureuh started the concept of the Madrasah Curriculum in Aceh where the Dayahs of Aceh adopted the Madrasah educational curriculum system, in 1939 Daud Beureueh was elected president of the Aceh Ulama Association (PUSA). Daud Beureuh through PUSA formed an alignment of the Madrasah Curriculum in Aceh and the School for Future Madrasa Teachers, the Normal Islamic Institute (NII). This study used a qualitative descriptive method.


Daud beureueh, PUSA, Aceh


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/icie541