Constructing of teachier professional and competitiveness for indonesian education in 4.0 er


A teacher is agent of change in the knowledge, skills and human attitudes, and so finaly can change the behavior and culture of a society and nation. Therefore, the position and role of teachers is very strategic in building the civilization of a nation. On the way, the teacher profession faced a very tough competition. He must master academic competence, world of work competence, religious competence and infor mation technology competence. To explain it, the method use library research, observasion to document, literature, discussion, and interview with experts about contructing of teacher professional and competitive in Indonesia.The research finding are the 21 st century is the age globalization. It takes to impact on interdepedention, competition, and advances in science, information and commucation tecnology in the school. Professional teachers have professional competence, paeda gogic, personal, social, religious and technological competencies. While competitive teachers have foreign language skills. and have a level of formal education demanded by the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI).


Teacher professionalism, 21st century education


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