Implementation of academic supervision to improve teacher quality


The background of this research is that there are weaknesses and shortages of teachers in the field of in the teaching process that requires guidance and supervision of activities academic supervision carried out by supervisors, so that they can improve their quality. The results of this study found four findings, as follows : 1). Academic supervision at the start with Planning, because if there is no planning then of the supervision will not run with better. The planning of academic supervision in improving the quality of teacher Beliefs and Morals carried through meetings with the involved teacher to make a plan and schedule for special laksanakannya academic supervision. 2). The implementation of Academic Supervision carried out with the visit class by the supervisor, the implementing includes monitoring, assessment and guidance to teacher. 3). Factors inhibiting the implementation of academic supervision lack of knowledge supervisor of the implementation of supervision due to the lack of training and supervision itself. Then a supporting factor is the existence of a special policy taken by the head of the madrasah make supervision remains effective. 4). The Supervisor and the head of the madrasah implement coaching as a form of follow-up after doing class visits, the better it is individual meetings, group meetings, and other activities outside of school that can help teachers in improving the quality.


Academic supervision, quality of teacher, follow up


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