Ex post evaluation methods in evaluation research: a conceptual study


Evaluation research currently has a very large influence on the sustainability of a program. This is because evaluation research can provide recommendations to policy makers whether the program is continued or not. There are three types of program evaluation, namely evaluation before the program is implemented, evaluation when the program is implemented and evaluation after the program is completed. Evaluations that are carried out after the program is finished are known as ex post evaluations. Several research results provide examples of how powerful the results/impact of ex post evaluation research are. The strength of the ex-post evaluation method is because this method is more able to measure the impact of the program as a whole and measurably. Intact in the sense that the program and all its tools have been completed. Measurable in the sense that the impact of the program can be measured through a certain instrument. This literature study aims to provide convenience for the audience to understand the evaluation research, the ex-post evaluation method, and the purpose of the ex-post evaluation.


Evaluative research, ex post evaluation, evaluation


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/icie562