This research intends to identify and analyze internal and external factors which are influential for the development of Sriwijaya Botanical Garden, in addition to formulating proper alternative development strategies in its application of South Sumatera (Provincial) Regulation Number 7 of the Year 2016 as viewed from Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in developing this Botanical Garden situated in Bakung Village, North Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency. Subsequently, strategies are framed for development endeavors which minimize Weaknesses and Threats while utilizing Opportunities and Strengths. The selection of research venue was decided purposively under the consideration that Sriwijaya Botanical Garden is the most notable nature tourism and conservation area with the highest degree of biodiversity in South Sumatera. Data were gathered by ways of referential studies, observation and stakeholder-interviewing, notably with the chairperson of Operating Unit (UPTB) for Sriwijaya Botanical Garden, Chief of Information and Services Section, Balitbangda (Provincial Bureau for Research and Development), Rangers of Peatland Park, the (local) Public and Visitors to the Park. These obtained data were then analyzed descriptively prior to determining suitable strategies in developing Sriwijaya Botanical Garden, conducted under the SWOT analysis. Compliant to the results from the research, it can be concluded that the strategies for the development of Sriwijaya Botanical Garden are namely to construct, repair and maintain tourism infrastructures, establishing tourism accommodations, establishing and provisioning nature-tourism accessibility, addition of new tourism objects, improvements of creative and innovative promotion on numerous media, undertaking coordination with private entities, state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and the government itself for investments.
Development, Strategy, SWOT