Developing The Media of Reading Comprehension in French Based on Techno Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Tpack)


This study is aimed to develop the media of learning French reading comprehension based on Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and to know how the learner competencies in reading comprehension. The developing needs to be done due to the growing use of technology in the world of education in millennial era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The KKNI curriculum at Medan State University requires the use of technology in accordance with the concepts and principles of learning, the students were still low in reading, and learning media had not used the latest technology. The Plomp model methodology was used through the investigation phase by collecting the information, design phase, realization phase, and test, evaluation, and revision phases. Data collection was carried out namely the collection of material or material entered into learning media using the applications of Windows Movie Maker, Filmora and Powtoon, Applications are used by teachers to construct content, distribute quizzes, assignments, and manage communication with learners. The results are (a) a learning medium developed with the TPACK framework on learning content in the Reading Comprehension the French Language, (b) the students competencies have increased on reading the simple texts of descriptive and narrative.


developing, media, reading comprehension, French language,


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  • diakses pada 10 Mei 2018
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