International Conference  on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities
Volume 3

International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities

13 March 2019 - 16 March 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Yohandri Yohandri
  • Krismadinata Krismadinata
  • Robbi Rahim

The fourth industrial revolution (4.0) is marked by the advancement of technologies and powered by artificial intelligence which creates opportunities and challenges for education systems. University and vocational school graduates face a world transformed by the technology which in turn transforms the workplace from task-based to human-centered characteristics. Certain skills such as critical thinking, emotional intelligence, problem solving, cognitive flexibility, and knowledge production are required. To address this demand, education system should put revolutionary innovation in its agenda. Scholars, researchers, and practitioners are invited to share their ideas, research outcomes, and best practices about education, science, and technology now and in the future in an international conference held by Universitas Negeri Padang as a part of the National Convention of Indonesian Education (KONASPI).

Accepted papers
10 October 2019
Published online
15 December 2019


1 - 11

12 - 16

17 - 29

30 - 38

39 - 46

47 - 52

53 - 58

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71 - 77

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91 - 95

96 - 105

106 - 114

115 - 121

122 - 126

127 - 137

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143 - 147

148 - 154

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161 - 167

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175 - 180

181 - 187

EXO OLO TASK Learning Model: What Should Students Do in The Class?


188 - 197

198 - 205

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211 - 217

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247 - 251

252 - 257