Profile Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy and Preparing Services Program in Special School


Parts of motor development have an important role in the life and development of children, referred as movement abilities throughout the lifetime. Students with spastic cerebral palsy have spesific characteristics when their moving, the spastic muscle and rigidity, poor posture control are inhibiting factors in achieving functional movements. Qualitative research approach through interviews with parents and standard assessment tests on body awareness using BARS, RTc and posture, control posture sitting assess by PPAS and Gross Motor by GMFCS-R. The results of BARS, RTc and PPAS measurements in 4 spastic cerebral palsy students, show poor body awareness, release tension, the quality and quantity posture control data also show the similar result from front and side of sitting posture. Body awareness and posture control are preequisit factors for the quality of functional movements, profile of the student contain the strength and abilities, weakness and the needed of the student for services program. Development is a cumulative process, meaning that obstacles to previous developments will hamper further development, further research needs to be done in relation to body awareness and the release tension that occurs during movement


cerebral palsy spastic, body awareness, release tension, sitting control postur, services program.


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