The Development and Validation of the Thesis-Writing Procrastination Scale


Several studies found that thesis-writing procrastination is one of the greatest factors causing delays in the graduation of undergraduate students. However, there are no assessment tools that can measure the procrastination in the context of thesis writing specifically. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to develop and validate an instrument named the Thesis-Writing Procrastination Scale (TW-PS). The scale was developed through four procedures: (1) defining the construct; (2) developing the measurement model; (3) performing confirmatory factor analysis; and (4) examining the validity of the measurement model. 200 randomly selected subjects participated in the research. To test the TW-PS’s validity and reliability, the research performed exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and the Alpha Cronbach. The procedures successfully validated 10 items and eliminated the other four.


procrastination; thesis writing; assessment


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