Empathy Profile Based on Gender in IV Graders of Elementary School Students


This study deals with the profile of empathy. The method used survey method. The respondents obtained by using convenience sampling technique. The respondents involved were 643 IV graders of elementary school students consisting of 322 male students and 321 female students. The results obtained from the lowest aspects based on the overall analysis are aspects of cognitive empathy by 62.4% of respondents in the low category, 37.6% in the moderate category, and 0% in the high category. The affective aspect has a fairly average distribution of 39.3% of respondents in the low, 43% in the medium, and 16, 8% in the high category. The most moderate category of prosocial motivation is 50.5%, the low category is 29.9% and the high is 19.6%. The low contribution of cognitive aspects was caused by male respondents 70.2% in the low category while in women only 54.5%. In the affective aspect the contribution of the two is relatively no significant difference. In the aspect of male prosocial motivation 32% of the respondents are in the low category while women are less than 4.3% and 3.8% women are more than men in the high category.


Empathy, Gender, Profile, Students


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/hum0208