Method Tracing Using Paint Tool Sai in Learning Arts to Improve 2 Dimensional Works Ability


In the implementation of teaching and learning art, sketch drawing or drawing shapes technique, is used as part of 2-dimensional work. This technique must be mastered to meet the target and learning objectives of teaching and learning art. However, the result of the technique mastery obtained varied, considering that the techniques to be mastered have different characteristics, and must be done manually. The development and role of science and technology is increasing in various sectors, including in the education. The use of tracing method using Paint Tool Sai application is interpreted as a way of drawing creatively-artistically as desired using simple techniques by processing images. The use of modified research and development, of Defining, Collecting Data, Designing, Developing, and Disseminating, is validated. The development of learning innovations in learning strategies through the use of tracing method using Paint Tool Sai is a complementary application that can be realized in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. It can improve the ability to master the techniques and procedure of drawing on individual character, being more independent and creative, to develop sustainably to achieve the learning objectives optimally.


tracing method, paint tol sai, 2 D


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