The Effect of Permissive Parenting on The Degradation of Children's Character on The 4.0 Industry Revolution Era (A Quantitative Descriptive Study of Teenagers In Pasar Baru Environment of Padang Masiang Barus Tapanuli Tengah


The Stengthening of Character Education Program is one program that can anticipate the rapid development of technology and information in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. One of the spearheads of the formation of children's character is parenting parents towards children, in the initial analysis that we have done we see the problem of character degradation in teenage in Padang Masiang Barus Village due to parenting parents who are less concerned with their children, they tend to give more freedom. This study aims to determine how much influence the permissive parenting parents have on the degradation of adolescent characters aged 10-18 years. This research used a quantitative descriptive with correlational design. Based on data processing with simple linear regression the linear regression equation is Y = 11.49 + 0.961x. The results of hypothesis testing with t test obtained value (3.08)> (1.688). This means that there is the influence of parental permissive parenting on the degradation of teenage characters in Padang Masiang Barus Tapanuli Tenggah Sub-District.


Permissive parenting, Children character


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