Hospital education services have been implemented in Malaysia through the establishment of the School In Hospital (SDH) program. The program's objectives are to provide educational services regardless of location and circumstances, to provide formal and structured continuing education in a conducive environment for students undergoing hospital treatment. This study was conducted to identify the implementation of teaching and learning (PdP), Issues, Challenges and Implications for dyslexic students in the SDH program. The study was conducted qualitatively using the Case Study research approach through the interview method as a data collection technique. The interview process was conducted in a semi-structured manner in which the questions were determined. The study respondents were limited to two teachers, an administrative assistant teaching at SDH. This study aims to broaden the perspective of SDH in addressing student dropout in schools. This concludes that SDH teachers implement PdP in SDH well. The implications of this study suggest that SDH teachers can pursue effective PdP approaches in the SDH program even with dyslexic students.
Hospital Education, Issues, Challenges, Implications, dyslexic students