Level of Teacher Preparation of The Inclusive Program (Holistic Model) in Three Pilot School in Sabah State


The purpose of this study is to explore the levels of cognitive, affective and behavioral readiness of 169 teachers in three pilot schools and to determine if there were differences in teacher readiness levels in terms of cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects of the implementation of the Inclusive Education Program ( Holistic Models) based on teaching experience. The design used is quantitative by using cross-sectional survey method. The Analysis Data used are statistical inference analysis which is one way ANOVA and descriptive analysis is used as mean and standard deviation. The findings show that teachers' cognitive and behavioral readiness to implement inclusive education programs (Holistic Model) is high. However, the affective willingness of teachers to implement inclusive education programs (Holistic Models) is at a moderate level. As such, teachers, administrators and the Ministry of Education Malaysia must jointly look for initiatives on the needs of teachers in the realization of an inclusive education program (Holistic Model) and assist in the successful transformation of education as targeted by the MOE.


Inclusive Holistic Model; Cognitive Readiness; Affective Readiness; Behavior Readiness


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/GCS-04264