Relationship Between Working Memory and Study Support of Students at Higher Education Institution


At Japanese higher education institutions, there are many difficulties in receiving medical diagnosis, and students offer the support needs by themselves. So how to apply support need for students with developmental disorders is an issue. students with cognitive imbalance do not always have a high level of “Support Need” and often do not lead to utilize study support the purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of students who need study support in relation to working memory. We divided 71 students into 2 or 3 groups by based on WMI score (High, Middle, Low) or whether they need study support (HNSG) or not (LNSG). For each of them, the results of relations between WMI score and “(a) Support Need Inventory for University Life (Sasaki, Takahashi, & Takeda, 2018)”, “ (b) AQ Japanese version”, “ (c) CAARS Japanese version” were described by descriptive statistics respectively. And compared between groups. Result; it was confirmed that the deviations of score related to “Digit Span” is relatively large. It seemed that LSNG might have had “Support Need” and "Autism Spectrum Disorder like characteristics", but their influence on daily life might have been small.


Working memory; neurodiversity; study support; ;higher education institution; psycho-educational assessment


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