Effectiveness of Application Behavioral Counseling Ivan Pavlov Lesson with Through Modeling Techniques to Improve Self Study Class X Mia Deference SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar


This study aims to Determine the effectiveness of Ivan Pavlov's behavioral counseling with modeling techniques through the LS method to improve self- deference, The sample of this study is classX MIA 1 Middle School 1 Denpasar, The collection of self- deferenceData in this study uses observations, questionnaires and diaries. So that it can be concluded that there is a high effectiveness in behavioral counseling Ivan Pavlov using modeling techniques in increasing the affiliation of students of classX MIA 1 Denpasar Middle School 1.


Ivan Pavlov's behavioral counseling, modeling techniques, deference Self.


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/403