The Role of Volunteering in Special Olympics Sabah in Promoting Positive Attitude Among Malaysians Towards Inclusion of Students with Learning Disabilities


Special Olympics World Games have become an avenue for people who are intellectually disabled to expose, interact and know each other so as to promote greater acceptance and friendship with people with learning disabilities through volunteering. Therefore, this study focuses on understanding the role of volunteering in Special Olympics Games movements to promote positive attitude among Malaysians towards inclusion of students with learning disabilities. This study undertakes a descriptive research method using survey with self-administered questionnaire to volunteers in Special Olympics Sabah. A total of 150 respondents among those who volunteered in Special Olympics Sabah were selected using convenience sampling method. Their attitude is measured using an adapted version of the Mental Retardation Attitude Inventory – Revised (MRAI-R) based on a repeated measure design. Findings showed that volunteering has a positive impact on the volunteers’ attitude towards the inclusion of students with learning disabilities regardless of gender, academic qualification, having or nor having children with learning disabilities and types of volunteers. Thus, the role of volunteering in Special Olympics Sabah is critical to promote attitudinal change among the volunteers and support the policies for greater societal inclusion.


Volunteering; Special Olympics; Attitude; Inclusion; Learning Disabilities


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