Sensory Garden Approach to Increase Autism Students’ Learning Focus in Primary Schools


Visual, Audio, Kinetic and Tactile (VAKT) sensory garden approaches in learning are a must to increase the multisensory stimulation of autism students in primary school. The purpose of this study was to examine how autism students’ learning focus affected the learning approach in the sensory garden. This study was conducted through qualitative methods using the survey method design. A total of 9 students over the age of 11 were selected in this study from one of the schools of Integrated Special Education Program (PPKI) in Bandar Baru Bangi. The study data were collected through observations and structured interview protocols. The study period is 14 days. The results show that the sensory garden approach to autism students can improve language and communication skills, change behaviors and enhance learning focus. Implication and suggestion, the researcher proposes that further studies may be conducted on other special education students, pre-schoolers and mainstream students.


Autism, VAKT, multisensory, sensory garden, special education


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