Coaching and Mentoring in Bridging The Inclusive Classes Social Gap


This study discusses coaching and mentoring as one of the most relevant approach on this Century and is believed to be effective in assisting educational developments and enhancing the motivation of school administrators, teachers with the aim of making impacts on students. Coaching and mentoring are often used in organizations that emphasize productivity or competition and problem solving. Conceptually, the mentor will focus his work force on teamwork management with continuous guidance. A mentor focuses on a specific individual under guidance to be a good manager or mentor in problem solving. This coaching and mentoring is not only done by certain experts in school’s administrators such as headmasters and deputy headmasters, but these coaching skills need to be mastered by middle managements in school. In order to overcome social issues in the inclusive classes for students in the Special Intergration Education Program (PPKI), the main focus of coaching and mentoring are for school’s administrator, deputy headmaster, inclusive class teachers and involved students by conducting an individual and a group guidance as an intervention to bridge the social gap in the classroom between perdana students with special education students (PPKI) who study in the classroom. Based on this observation, coaching and mentoring approach has shown positive impacts on inclusive students in terms of interactions, behaviors, communications, characters and emotions. It also has shown the development of good performance by the students in the curriculum and co-curriculum. Therefore, a coaching and mentoring approach is needed to bridge the social gap of these InclusiveStudents.


Coaching and mentoring, social gap, inclusive classes


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