Merdeka belajar from the perspective of family education


There are many letters in the Qur'an and hadith that support the learning process. The phenomenon that has surfaced at this time is the emergence of freedom in learning as a government policy that is applied to students. Learning is actually an educational process that one must go through in gaining knowledge. The problem of how to learn to get knowledge, there will be many ways-and that's the art of learning. Free learning may be an approach or method for their students in gaining knowledge. Likewise, independent learning is a new method or approach for a student in gaining knowledge. Freedom in learning is a learning perspective that must be adapted by both teachers and students in the current era, because it has become a policy. However, one thing that needs to be understood in the concept of education is that independent learning must also be adapted by the family, because after students return from school, of course further education becomes the authority of the parents. The question is in how to apply independent learning from a family perspective? What conditions should be met in the family when freedom of learning is applied?. This article tries to answer these two big questions by first explaining the concept of learning itself. Furthermore, the concept of family and its function in education is explained. The next discussion is about the application of freedom in learning of the family educational perspective and the last discussion is family resilience as a pillar in the freedom in learning approach in Indonesia.


Freedom in learning, family function and family resilience


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