The national curriculum in development in the reform period


This artikel is titled "National Curriculum In Its Development During the Reform period". The main problem in writing this thesis is (1) Curriculum development in 2004 (KBK), (2) Curriculum development in 2006 (KTSP), (3) Curriculum development in 2013. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development of the curriculum in 2004 (KBK), analyze the development of the curriculum in 2006 (KTSP), analyze the development of the curriculum in 2013. To achieve the above objectives, the study was conducted using Library research using measures: The collection of data sources in this study is a printed material that can provide information about the National Curriculum in the Development of the Reform Period, primary sources are the results of research or the writings of researchers such as books: Mulyasa, curriculum level of the Unit of Education, while secondary sources are books relevant to the title of this thesis. Data collection is done with literature studies, document studies, accessing the internet. Data analysis is done by content analysis techniques and inductive methods, then described scientifically so as to produce scientific works of form (thesis) that can be accounted for scientifically. From the results of the study found that learning in kbk if viewed special characteristics that the learning system in kbk is very practical for the development of students, in the sense that this system is universal in nature that has covered the overall learning activities that become the basic needs of students. but it does not close the possibility that students need intensive direction and coaching of teachers, in order to achieve professional educational goals. In addition, the characteristics of the Education Unit Level Curriculum is an individual development-oriented curriculum, which can be seen from the basic competency standards outlined by the indicators. In ktsp there is a component of self-development that emphasizes on the aspects of talent development and student interest. From competency-based curriculum 2004, Education Unit Level Curriculum 2006, and Curriculum-13 obtained that k-13 is more efficient to improve the quality of learning learning students. However, Curriculum 13 is an improvement in the effectiveness of learning in the education unit and the addition of learning time in schools. K-13 students are looking to find out using current technology.


Curriculum, development, reform


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