Merdeka learning and merdeka campus: an ontological review


The policy of free learning and an independent campus is a new breakthrough which has been responded by various parties. This policy is expected to touch the root of problems in the world of national education so far and be accompanied by solutions that are relevant for the progress of the nation. The word merdeka basically means independence which is closely related to self-control, thus providing opportunities for students to take control of learning. Students are encouraged to develop sovereignty in determining their learning goals. However, the freedom to learn that is promoted by the government through the Ministry of Education and Culture is not independence which means independent and self-taught. Free learning for the government is interpreted as independence in the sense of encouraging the development of sovereignty and student responsibility in carrying out the learning process. The independent campus can be interpreted as a vehicle for independent learning that can be carried out independently without any pressure. Independent learning will occur on an independent campus. For the author, independent learning and independent campus need to be discussed from the ontological meaning to direct progressive educational practices that can improve the quality of Indonesia's human resources in the future.


Freedom, learning, campus and ontology


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