Learning models of islamic history based on diversity (PSI-BK) an alternative of learning freedom in the 4.0 era of industrial revolution


College is ideally as a spring for the progress and development of the nation, its presence directly contributes to the nation's culture and civilization. The Learning Freedom Policy has actually become a new culture in implementing an autonomous and innovative teaching and learning process based on the needs of life. Learning freedom can form superior resources and quality to complete educational opportunities in the Industrial 4.0 era. In the learning process, so far the educational ecosystem tends to touch less the realm of learning freedom for students towards the development of logical reasoning, character, innovation, independence, comfort, and student expertise. The purpose of this research is to provide a descriptive learning model of Islamic history based on diversity (PSI-BK) an alternative of learning freedom in the 4.0 era of industrial revolution. The method used in this research is Sugiyono's R&D model with the following steps; 1) potential and problems), (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) fixing designs, (6) product testing, (7) product revisions, (8) product testing , (9) product revision, (10) mass product manufacture. Subjects and research objects for the first year of 2019,they are students of history education study program at the Institute of Education on Tapanuli Selatanand PPKN students at Bung Hatta University. The results show that it is important for a college to implement the right learning model in construct diversity and freedom of learning in the 4.0 era of the industrial revolution. The learning model of Islamic history based on diversity (PSI-BK) is an alternative to contruct learning freedom in the 4.0 era of industrial revolutionthrough this models students are expected to have (1) good tolerance, (2) collaborative skills, (3) polite communication, and (4) good understanding of the material.


PSI-BK model, independent learning, 4.0 industrial revolution


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/icftk399