Students' perception of biologi teacher teaching skills


This Study was aimed at finding the Perception of Students on the Skills Of Biologi Teacher at Class XI MAN 2 Model Padangsidimpuan. This study use the descriptive research method with quantitative approach.The study involved 96 students class XI in the MAN 2 Model Padangsidimpuan. The data were collected using questionnaires and documentation. The validity of the items was tested using Product Moment correlation technique from Pearson. The reliability test employed Alpha Cronbach formula. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics with percentage. The results showed that the Perception of Students to teach students the basic skills of biology teacher covering aspects studied were:1) open skill lessons in the category of well with the percentage of 43,20%.; 2) close the skills lessons in the category less well with the percentage of 41,28% ; 3) skills to explain in the category of less well with the percentage of 41,28% ; 4) the skills to ask in the category less well with the percentage of 40,32% ; 5) skills provide reinforcement in the category of well with the percentage of 41,28 % ; 6)held a variety of skills in the category of less well with the percentage of 40,32%.


Perception, teaching skills


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