Scientific literacy competency profile Students


Science education means making students understand with science that they can apply in their daily life and job situation to solve the problems. This is descriptive research that reveals the scientific literacy competency of students. The research took place in SMAN 10 Padang. The research sample was 44 students. The Sample collection method uses cluster random sampling technique. The Instrument is scientific literacy questions from E-book Take The Test: Sample Question From OECD’s PISA Assessment. PISA questions used for this research consist of 63 questions. Based on the research found that scientific literacy achievement of grade 10 students in SMAN 10 Padang is 47,48%. This score is categorized very low. Then, through this research known that the low profile of scientific literacy competency was caused by some factors.Mainly, students were not habituated answering questionsthat consist of long question statement dan graph.


Scientific literacy, low profile, PISA


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