Free learning: study of humanistic theory in islamic religious education


This article aims to describe the humanistic theory and its analysis of Islamic Religious Education. The method of writing this article uses descriptive analytic method, which means that it describes and simultaneously provides an analysis of the problems discussed. From the analysis, the writer suggests that: Humanistic theory aims to humanize humans. The learning process is considered effective when students understand themselves and their surroundings. Students in a series of learning should strive to be able to actualize themselves as best as possible, for that PAI learning in a humanistic paradigm, teachers and students are required to be able to develop their potential to the maximum so as to create an independent learning atmosphere in accordance with the characteristics and development of students. In accordance with the objectives of Islamic Religious Education, the expected education is able to make students become whole individuals both according to the human perspective in concept and as servants of Allah who are made as caliphs on earth so that they are able to apply the knowledge gained to achieve progress both for themselves and for themselves. environment in the future.


Humanistic, islamic education


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