Surau as an alternative education institution in realizing independent learning for students


Surau is one of the components that cannot be separated from the environment of the Minangkabau community. Teachers / Sheikhs provide teaching and experience to their students learning Islamic education and life skills needed by students. The subject matter provided by the teacher / sheikh is not only theoretical / content based on the book/ kitab being studied, but emphasizes understanding the meaning contained in each of these lessons. Merdeka belajar which was proclaimed by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia with several policies contained therein has provided a broader view of the real learning process. The concept of merdeka belajar is the competence of teachers at any level, without a translation process of the existing basic competencies and curriculum, no learning will ever occur. With the concept of "merdeka belajar", the surau can be used as an alternative for educational institutions in realizing the concept of merdeka belajar. Surau has several criteria that have met the existing policies of merdeka belajar. If possible, surau can also be used as one of the other educational institutions equivalent to formal education.


Surau, education system, freedom of learning


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