Minangkabau women do not have a broad place to study, because women's education is only related to skills in household life carried out by the mothers or bundo kanduang in their environment. At first education in Minangkabau appeared unofficially in the form of religious education which was carried out in the surau-surau, but only men could enjoy this education, during the Dutch government this classical education was still carried out but was considered illegal, so that The Netherlands inaugurated education in the form of schools, where not only men were allowed to go to school, but also women, but basically there were still many conflicts with indigenous people about women being free to enjoy education, so that only women from the aristocratic class could attend school. who can enjoy school. The education carried out and developed by ulama in Minangkabau is generally engaged in the field of religion, especially Islamic religious education, because in Minangkabau the community is more dominant with Islam and customs are more impartial and follow the rules of Islam as a philosophy of civilized life in Minangkabau, namely "Adat basandi syarak, syarak basandi kitbullah ", however, there is also education specifically given to women in Minangkabau, in this case it can be seen that the women's ulama movement in the education sector can be seen as follows: 1) In the field of Islamic Religious Education specifically for girls, 2). Education to Improve, Women's Ability, 3). Political education, 4). Journalistic education, 5), fighting for women's rights, 6), education in the field of organization, 7). Parliamentary Education, 8), Da'wah education and women's equality education.
Women ulama, minangkabau character and women education