Desain framework science technology engineering mathematics (STEM) terintegrasi project based learning (PJBL)


The gap shown between the skills needed in the world of work and what is learned in education at school is quite a contrast. So education needs to prepare human resources who are recent graduates and future graduates must have 21st century skills (ie, communication, collaboration, problem solving) that prepare students for the world of work. Research has shown that skills development can help narrow the gap in producing highly skilled graduates for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Researchers propose that STEM is able to develop 21st century skills by utilizing a project-based learning framework (PjBL). The development of STEM in education in developed countries shows that STEM needs to be adopted in the world of education in Indonesia because STEM is a paradigm that creates cross-disciplinary learning. With the design of the STEM framework, it can help realize national education towards a more advanced Indonesia.


Design, framework, project based learning, STEM


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