Online learning during the covid 19 pandemic in elementary schools


This research was motivated by the covid-19 pandemic period where educators were required to think creatively and innovatively in carrying out online learning. So that students are not bored in learning. The purpose of this study is to get an overview of the implementation of learning during the covid 19 pandemic. The focus of this research is the implementation of online learning. The research method used is a survey. This method is carried out online by filling out a form link by the respondent. In addition, observations and interviews were also carried out. Respondents are elementary school educators and elementary school students. The research finding is that learning is carried out during the pandemic by means of educators providing videos or texts through class groups. Then students answer the questions given by the teacher. This learning is carried out individually. If the student's parents do not have a cellphone, the assignment will be picked up at school. The conclusion of this study is that online learning cannot help students understand the material being studied and does not facilitate students to develop collaboration skills.


Online learning, covid 19 pandemic, elementary school


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