Development of minangkabau song animation media towards the development of mother's language for early childhood


Early childhood in the modern era is very close to various technologies so that they are less familiar with local culture. This has an impact on their mother tongue skills, they are more familiar with the second language, namely Indonesian and English. Based on previous research that took place in group B in Kindergarten in Padang City, the process of activities to improve mother tongue speaking skills was seen through Minangkabau song creation activities. Based on the results of the recapitulation of the results of the mother tongue ability, it can be concluded that the overall animation media developed. The results of the study stated that the practicality of the product developed was 92.30% developed in accordance with expectations and 7.7% developed very well. The action of Minangkabau creation song activities in group B went through several stages, namely initial activities, core activities, and closing activities. These stages are a series of Minangkabau creation song activities. The learning strategy is through Minangkabau song creation activities, this activity uses keyboard media and image media used for Minangkabau song creation activities, such as pictures of various kinds of animals. Minangkabau song creation activities are activities that involve the ability to speak the child's mother tongue. This research is very useful when children are less able to acquire their mother tongue (Minangkabau language) which has its uniqueness in terms of pragmatics, children in Minangkabau currently do not respect customs, etiquette, and politeness, especially in communicating which was originally present in the community. rules called kato nan ampek. This study aims to stimulate children's mother tongue skills for early childhood using animation media of Minangkabau songs that are interesting for early childhood. This research is a type of applied superior research. This research is in accordance with the Research Master Plan (RIP) of Padang State University in the field of education and education, namely the development of Models, Media, Technology, and Learning Materials. This research design was carried out for two consecutive years. This research is in the form of research and development using the ADDIE model with stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation.


Development, animation media, minangkabau song, mother language


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