E-book product feasibility test of kvisoft flipbook maker with PLS program assessment


The purpose of this study was to measure the feasibility of e-book products in the PLS program assessment course. E-book designed using the kvisoft flipbook maker application. Measurements carried out include validity and practicality, data collection tools are in the form of validation sheets or questionnaires. The research method used is the method of development (R&D). This development research was adapted from Borg & Gall. This research begins with (1) drafting the PLS program assessment e-book, (2) developing an e-book product based on the PLS Program Assessment RPS, (3) conducting a feasibility test for the PLS program assessment ebook product by material experts, presentation experts, and experts. Language. The research results obtained are the results of the feasibility of ebook products obtained from material, media, and language experts who state that this ebook product is worthy of publication with several revisions from experts. The average percentage of experts, including material experts 84%, media experts 84, 38%, and language experts 100%.


Due diligence, e-book, kvisoft flipbook maker


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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32698/ISPIVIII584