Comparing the Relationship Between Parenting Styles of High Education Level of Parents with the Level of Emotional Intelligence of Preschool Children


The aims of this study to determine the relationship between parenting styles of parents with higher education level with the level of preschool children’s emotional intelligence. The survey method was used in this study with randomly selected the location at a district of Selangor. The samples of this study consist of 50 preschool children aged six years old and have parents with higher education level. Three types of instruments were used in this study, which is Parenting Practices Questionnaire (PPQ) and Active Parenting Publisher (APP) to identify the types of parenting styles of parents with higher education level, whereas The Sullivan Emotional Intelligence Scale for Children (EISC) to identify the level of preschool children's emotional intelligence. This study also uses Berkeley Puppet Interview (BPI) as an intermediate medium when collecting data together with the subjects of the study. Descriptive analysis describes the level of preschool children's emotional intelligence, while inferential analysis involves Pearson correlation test to explain the relationship between two variables. The findings showed that parents with higher education level mostly practices an authoritarian parenting style, while overall level of preschool children's emotional intelligence are moderate. Pearson correlation analysis showed that there is significant relationship between all parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive) with the level of preschool children's emotional intelligence. The conclusion from this study showed that parenting styles does affects the level of preschool children's emotional intelligence.


Early childhood, emotional intelligence, parenting styles


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