The Learning Ecology of Generation X, Y And Z


This paper aims to discuss the ecology of among the X, Y and Z generations and to discuss the application of appropriate learning methods to use based on generation differences. With the change of generations, the educators are having trouble in adapting the learning styles according to the differences in their ecology. The main focus of this paper is to explain the similarities and differences in learning ecology between generation group in order to identify the suitable learning style for each generation and increase student motivation to study. The discussion in this paper based on references to relevant articles and journals by focusing on the learning ecology or environment, the learning of generation group and the effect of learning style in generation group education. The theory referred to in this paper is taken from Bronfenbrenner's theory of ecology. This theory is focused on the chronosystem layer as it is more appropriate to be linked to the learning ecology of each generation. This theory also supported by Kolb’s theory of learning styles. The ecological factor results the difference in learning styles for each generation groups. For current generation, the learning ecology vary from the older generation as the influence in technology majorly resulting the difference in learning style. The results of this paper intended to help educators to adapt teaching methods for current generation.


Learning ecology, generation X, Y and Z, learning style.


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