The Use of Video in Teaching and Learning 21st Century History Education in Malaysia


Education aims to produce a balanced generation of all aspects as contained in the National Philosophy of Education (FPK) and create a high-skilled and highly skillful generation so as to compete in the global current time. Through historical learning, teachers play an important role in classrooms with the selection of strategies, methods and selection of appropriate teaching materials. This study presents the results of the video based teaching and learning in promoting the learning of material and student centred. This study results from the review of several studies that have been carried out either within or outside the country. Video is a show that involves the combination of audio and graphics that are screened simultaneously. The video is also suitable medium used in teaching process and very helpful teachers. This study will discuss the lessons of the 21st century based on past studies that have been carried out. This article will also discuss the findings and views of some researchers related to the use of video in teaching. In addition, issues and challenges related to the use of video are also highlighted. Last but not least, this article will propose some suggestions regarding the use of videos in the historical teaching nowadays especially in Malaysia


Video, history education, 21st century learning


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